Building Project Timeline Summary
September 2010
AGM agreed to renovate kitchen.
Kitchen committee assessed how our kitchen is used by the church community and other building users
design and budget (~ $50 000).
January 2012
Builder employed to check out the lean-to structure of the kitchen
May 2012
Deacons decided that between the kitchen issue and the CORT Community Housing office space issue, we needed to look at the future of the whole site. This involved
June/July 2012
Visit of Mark Southcombe helpful in articulating theology our of building.
Planner engaged to help us apply for a special use zone under the new Unitary Plan so to ensure that the Council recognised that our current residential zone did not actually reflect the reality of our site
Updated our list of maintenance projects
September 2012
AGM agreed to employ an architect to come up with some concepts of how we could make our site work for us a little better, but in keeping with our theology, and how we could work to a long term “ideal” in manageable steps.
February 2013
Possible plans to the deacons. Each plan focused on giving better toilet access and increasing the flow of the site.
April 2013
A building survey to get perspectives from the church, and alert people to the various issues we needed to juggle, revealed perfectly mixed feelings.
July 2013
Category 1 historic trust status confirmed
Deacons decided that although there were many issues we’d like to address, our top priorities were sacred space, and access (and safety). Flow would be sacrificed to some extent.
Agreed to engage Dave Pearson Heritage Architects given our new Category 1 status.
June 2014
Architects concept design proposal accepted by the church
Resource consent granted by Auckland Council
December 2014
Funding applications approved
February 2015
Developed design accepted
April 2015
Building consent granted
June 2015
Fitzgerald Builders tender accepted
July 2015
Building began!!!
November 2015
Building completed
Building reopened
September 2010
AGM agreed to renovate kitchen.
Kitchen committee assessed how our kitchen is used by the church community and other building users
design and budget (~ $50 000).
January 2012
Builder employed to check out the lean-to structure of the kitchen
May 2012
Deacons decided that between the kitchen issue and the CORT Community Housing office space issue, we needed to look at the future of the whole site. This involved
- a review the theology of use of our buildings,
- the current zoning and its requirements,
- current building maintenance requirements, and
- our long term needs from the building.
June/July 2012
Visit of Mark Southcombe helpful in articulating theology our of building.
Planner engaged to help us apply for a special use zone under the new Unitary Plan so to ensure that the Council recognised that our current residential zone did not actually reflect the reality of our site
Updated our list of maintenance projects
September 2012
AGM agreed to employ an architect to come up with some concepts of how we could make our site work for us a little better, but in keeping with our theology, and how we could work to a long term “ideal” in manageable steps.
February 2013
Possible plans to the deacons. Each plan focused on giving better toilet access and increasing the flow of the site.
April 2013
A building survey to get perspectives from the church, and alert people to the various issues we needed to juggle, revealed perfectly mixed feelings.
July 2013
Category 1 historic trust status confirmed
Deacons decided that although there were many issues we’d like to address, our top priorities were sacred space, and access (and safety). Flow would be sacrificed to some extent.
Agreed to engage Dave Pearson Heritage Architects given our new Category 1 status.
June 2014
Architects concept design proposal accepted by the church
Resource consent granted by Auckland Council
December 2014
Funding applications approved
February 2015
Developed design accepted
April 2015
Building consent granted
June 2015
Fitzgerald Builders tender accepted
July 2015
Building began!!!
November 2015
Building completed
Building reopened